Air filters and dust eliminators.

Zakladni oblasti pouziti

Očistění od plynů
Plynové turbiny
Ochrana atmosféry
Systémy ventilace
Stříkací boxy
Čisté místnosti
Atomové elektrárny
Očistění od tabákového kouře

Nuclear Application

Our enterprise is producing filters of type CPF, CMPF for effective cleaning of air and also high flow HEPA filters of type HEF, HFMF-H. These filters are used for cleaning of air from finely dispersed aerosol up to set requirements of cleanliness. For cleaning of large volume air may be used sections of type FCPF and FCCF. Sections of type CF are used for cleaning air from gaseous pollutants.

Recommended Products

HEPA Filters of type HEF

Filters of type HEF (filters НЕРА) are used for highly efficient (final) cleaning of air and sterilizing filtration in medical institutions, at pharmaceutical enterprises, and in cleanrooms of other industries (microelectronics, microbiology, food, etc).

Filters can be also used for cleaning of extract air form harmful microorganisms and radioactive aerosols at bacteriological labs, nuclear power plants, etc.

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Particulate air filters CPF

Particulate air filters CPF are used for cleaning of supply and recirculation air in systems of general ventilation and air-conditioning in rooms of various purposes. These filters are generally used for II step of air cleaning (fine cleaning in accordance with EN 779) after less effective filters. Filters CPF can be used for replacement of pocket filters of type PF since they are sufficiently compact.

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Compact minipleat  filters of type CMPF

Compact minipleat  filters of type CMPF are used for effective cleaning of air from finely dispersed aerosols in systems of general ventilation and air-conditioning. They can be also used as pre-filters before highly effective and ultra highly effective filters HEF (HEPA and ULPA). The filters can be used in various industries, including for air cleaning in gas-turbine and compressor units.

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High flow minipleat filters of type HFMF-F (F6÷F9 classes)

High flow filters of HFMF-F type are used for effective air-cleaning (clearing class from F6 up to F9) from fine dispersing aerosols in systems of general ventilation and air conditioning. These filters can be used as a precleaning filters, installed before HEPA and ULPA filters of type HEF.

At cleaning of large volume air these filters can be placed in chamber of folded filters of type FCCF (look the catalogue "Air Filters F"). 

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Panel minipleat filters of type PMF-F (F6÷F7 classes)

Minipleat panel filters of type PMF-F are used for cleaning of incoming and exhaust air in systems of ventilation and air-conditioning. Filters are capable to provide effective air cleaning and are made of F6÷ F7 classes.

Compactness of these filters allows to solve problems of the effective air cleaning in case of limited place of their accommodation.

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Compact high flow filters with minipleated packages of type HFMF-H

Compact high flow filters with minipleated packages of type HFMF-H (filters HEPA) are used for highefficient cleaning of air and sterilizing filtrations in medical institutions, at enterprises of pharmaceutical industry, as well as in clean premiseses of other branches of industry (microelectronics, microbiology, food and etc.). The particularity of these filters is their high airflow. 

Filters are to be also used for cleaning of extract air from harmful microorganisms and radioactive aerosols at bacteriological labs, at nuclear plants etc.

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CF Section of carbon filter

Section of carbon filter CF is used for cleaning air of gaseous, vaporous (molecular, organic, and inorganic) pollutants, as well as of odors in extract ventilation systems.

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The filtering chamber of folded filter of type FCCF

The filtering chamber of folded filter of type FCCF is used for installation and hermetic sealing of filters of type HEF (CPF, CCF, CMPF, HFMF-H) with dimensions 592x592x292(300) in systems of general ventilation and in air conditioning of household, administrative and industrial buildings. The filtering chamber is placed in the structure of a ventilating system and is its part.

Filters HEF are manufactured in classes F6 and above and in some cases require installation of filters of lower efficiency before them. In this case, the filtering chamber of pocket filters of type FCPF (look the catalogue of "Air Filters F") with prefilters PF of required class and pocket length of up to 600 mm can be set up before the filtering chamber FCCF.

By request filtering chamber FCCF can be supplied with elements for installation and hermetic sealing of pocket filters PF with pocket depth of no more than 250 mm or compact minipleat filter CMPF.

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The filtering chamber of pocket filter of type FCPF

The filtering chamber of pocket filter of type FCPF is used for installation and hermetic sealing of pocket filters of type PF in systems of general and extract ventilation and in air conditioning of household, administrative and industrial buildings. The filtering chamber is placed in the structure of a ventilating system and is its part. In the filtering chamber there are pocket filters of type PF with the size of entrance 500X500 mm or 592X592 mm of class from G3 to F9 and length of pockets up to 600 mm.

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